The javascript function would look like this
First you are going to define the count of page block sections for minimum and maximum. Forex ample minimum you want to show and maximum you want to show 12 page sections.
<script src="
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
var vCurrent=1;
var vMinSections = 1;
var vMaxSections = 12;
function reRenderPageSections(){
for(var vIndx = 1; vIndx <= vMaxSections; vIndx ++){
var vSec = "[id$=pbSec" + vIndx + "]";
if(vIndx <= vCurrent){
function btnAddClick(pVal){ vCurrent = vCurrent + pVal; if(vCurrent <= vMinSections){ vCurrent = vMinSections; } else if (vCurrent > vMaxSections){ vCurrent = vMaxSections; } reRenderPageSections(); }
Now you can use this btnAddClick which hides and shows pageblocksections, in you aepx commandbutton.Passing 1 for adding section and passing -1 for removing sections.<apex:pageBlockSection id="header" > <apex:commandButton id="addBtn" value="Add Array" onclick="btnAddClick(1);return false;"/> <apex:commandButton id="remBtn" value="Remove Array" onclick="btnAddClick(-1);
return false;"/>
</apex:pageBlockSection >
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